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Hine Triomphe Cognac - Talent De Thomas Hine Crystal 750ml with Humidor and 4 glasses 40% alc by vol. NV
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The Talent of Thomas Hine is not just a cognac. It's a whole experience: First of all we have a crystal decanter, designed by Baccarat, one of the world's best makers of crystal products. In this great bottle we find a blend of very rare Grande Champagne cognacs, and finally: The cognac is in the crystal decanter, the bottle in a box. But not any box, it's very rare wood from Maccasar ebony, imported from India. Each case is hand crafted... and of course it's also a cigar humidor at the same time. What a multi functional luxury product. What's more: You find four crystal tulip snifters (typcial cognac glasses), designed by Bernard Hine.